Thursday, February 14, 2019

What is PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is a slideshow presentation program that's part of the Microsoft office suite of tools. PowerPoint makes it easy to create, collaborate, and present your ideas in dynamic, visually compelling ways.

What can you do with PowerPoint?

 Communicate with confidence
You have a story to tell, and PowerPoint is designed to help you to tell it. 
Design like a pro - in seconds.
PowerPoint automatically generates a variety of ideas that you can choose from to make your slides look better. 
 Who is PowerPoint for? Your audience!
Whether you need a few slides to share with colleagues, classmates or friends or an award-winning presentation to persuade an auditorium full of strangers, you need to maximize the impact of your message. 

Don't know much about design? No problem! PowerPoint delivers the easy-to-use features you need to create great-looking presentations and express yourself with power -without having the skills of a professional designer.
Collaborate in real time on presentations.
Save your presentation to OneDrive and you can see how your presentation evolved over time and restore an older version if you make a mistake.
You can also work on a presentation at the same time as your colleagues.

Source :

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

How To Avoid Making Boring Presentations?

We’ve all had the experience of sitting through a dull presentation. One that looks plain and boring to the point that it puts you to sleep. 
So, how do people fall into the trap of making presentations like these? And how can this be changed?

What is PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is a slideshow presentation program that's part of the Microsoft office suite of tools. PowerPoint makes it easy to create...